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Numismatics – Why Not Market Money?

Numismatics – Why Not Market Money?

February 2011

Usually, I do not recommend a particular company unless it will help you with your own business.  However, a recent migration of my most respected top earners in the network marketing industry to one company caught my attention.  Naturally, I opted in to find out what was so attractive about this particular business.

My story was one where I had done well with several nutritional distributing companies on the idea that if the product was effective, I would not only gain income but also the health and energy necessary to get the business going.  This sounded good in concept but did not work out in the real world.  In an MLM, at a certain point, the bottom line has gone wide.  In most MLMs, it is important for those you bring into the business to make money as fast as possible.  Why?  Because you have to balance the inflated price of the product with income in order to retain the person’s interest in the company and product.

Many who have had non-fulfilling experiences with multilevel marketing companies can sympathize with anyone who has had to convince people to put out a few hundred dollars a month for bottles of juice, vitamins, or coupons.  It works only so long as people work their business and get income to offset the cost.  When a distributor looks at a box and all he or she can think of is “I paid $200 for that box plus shipping (not to mention time and money spent promoting it)” they no longer see the benefit or value the product provided.  You, as the sponsor, now have to scramble to keep those distributors happy and working toward making their purchase worthwhile.  Or, you need to create that business faster than it deteriorates.  Let’s face it, the product price IS inflated in order to pay commissions to the distributors.

Supposing there was a product that was not only worth what you paid but had a good chance of increasing in value over the years.  What if the product were worth buying even if the distributor never brought in another member?  That would increase retention, don’t you think?  Well, that was exactly where those top earners had migrated.  A new company marketing rare, top-graded gold and silver coins headed by people who really know what they are doing had launched in August 2009.

The rapid expansion of the company led to many trying to ride on their coattails but the difference between them is explained in my video below.

Numismatics is NOT Gold and Silver Bullion

This company makes so much sense that the only thing the competition felt it could do would be to throw confusion into the arena.  I feel that Ray Higdon’s video explains the differences best and how distributors can clear them up.

Ray Higdon on EIB&P Insurance Services

The bottom line here is that it is a win-win company with a terrific future and a totally professional team there to ensure your success.  If you’d like to talk to me about personally, call me at 888-502-5267or go to EIB&P Life Insurance Services

by Sean Grant  & Cheryl Currie


In the spirit of transparency, this blog post is for informational purposes only. We know how quickly things change, so we can’t guarantee the content and links to unaffiliated parties are up to date.

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