The One Mistake Most Seniors Make When Choosing Final Expense Insurance

The thought of our own mortality becomes more prevalent. You may start to think about what will happen to your loved ones when we're no longer around.. This is why, many seniors opt for final expense insurance to ensure their end-of-life expenses are taken care of. However.. There's that one mistake that most seniors make when choosing final expense insurance that can leave their loved ones with more burden than relief.     The mistake is... choosing the cheapest option available without considering the coverage and benefits included.   Many seniors are on a fixed income and want to save money wherever they can, but this mentality can backfire when it comes to insurance.   Cheaper policies often have lower coverage limits and fewer benefits, which means loved ones may…


New Home-Based Business Checklist

So, you've decided to take the plunge and start your ownhome-based business.  Congratulations!  You're on your wayto true financial independence. Protect your business andyour livelihood by making sure you have paid properattention to the following: 1.  Cash Flow Do you have the adequate working capital to support yourbusiness (to support you!)during its early stages?  Have youstarted your business part-time while continuing to workfull-time to make sure it is a viable income producer foryou and that income is adequate for your needs?  DON'T giveup your day job until you can give an unequivocal YES tothese questions most opportunities are best severed by training. 2.  Business Licensing Have you obtained all the necessary licenses and registrationsfor your business?  Are you working with someone that is a leader in the industry you're looking…