What is Preneed Funeral insurance? Preneed insurance is used to fund a funeral service agreement between you and a funeral home. You decide every element you want included in your funeral service, which includes everything from the casket to flowers to transportation for the family.

Support is needed for new Mommy’s to continue breastfeeding…

  I know a lot of people think #worldbreastfeeding week is about encouraging breastfeeding, and yes, breastfeeding is awesome as it’s amazing our bodies can do such a wonderful thing. 195 more words Why more support is needed for new mums to continue breastfeeding — New Mummy Blog I know a lot of people think #worldbreastfeeding week is about encouraging breastfeeding, and yes, breastfeeding is awesome as it’s amazing our bodies can do such a wonderful thing. There are so many benefits of breastfeeding but at a time when our breastfeeding rates are so low we should be looking at why they are low, not just continuing to buy into breastfeeding vs formula feeding debates. Breastfeeding is not something that just happens. Breastfeeding is not all easy. Breastfeeding is painful, it’s time…


Smugglers Use Children as a Diversion

Release Date: October 3, 2019 PINE VALLEY, Calif. — U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested a woman yesterday at the Interstate 8 checkpoint who had 160 packages of methamphetamine hidden inside her SUV.  The woman also had her two minor children in the car, which is a repeat of a smuggling incident that occurred on Tuesday. The incident began on Wednesday, October 2, at around 6:30 p.m., when a woman driving a silver Nissan Murano approached the checkpoint.  A Border Patrol K-9 team performed a sniff of the vehicle, which resulted in an alert.  The agent sent the woman to secondary inspection for further examination. In secondary, a K-9 performed a second sniff of the vehicle and alerted to the driver’s door and passenger-side rear-cargo area.  Agents searched and discovered plastic-wrapped bundles concealed in the…


Best Senior Guaranteed Life Insurance Quotes In Indiana…

What’s It All About? American Income Life...   That is the biggest question we often get. A lot of individuals out there this is their best option is buying a guaranteed acceptance policy when answering a few simple health questions will allow them to get a lower price elsewhere. You read that right…not only will you get a lower price but also you no waiting period! Let us help you understand all the facts when it comes to obtaining a guaranteed issue life insurance and you can decide what’s best for you. There are so many types of life insurance because every person and their needs are different. Finding the right type of life insurance will ultimately help you and your family in the long run. Guaranteed life insurance has…


Final Expense Life Insurance Guide + Quotes for Seniors

Final expense life insurance is popular with seniors because of its affordable price, smaller benefit amounts, and emphasis on covering funeral costs. Traditional life insurance policies such as term insurance are primarily intended to replace any income lost when a loved one dies. These policies are most important to families during the earlier years when we’re working, paying a mortgage, making car payments, and raising our kids. Once we’ve retired, paid off the mortgage, and the kids are out of the house, traditional life insurance policies aren’t needed as much. What we do need is a way to pay for any expenses we leave behind when we pass. According to the National Funeral Directors Association, the median cost of a funeral can be over $9,000. With no way to pay…


Life & Burial Insurance For Seniors Over 80 Does Exist?

Life & Burial Insurance For Seniors Over 80 Does Exist? #LifeInsurance #BurialInsurance #SeniorLife #lifeinsuranceforsenior #Seniors #burialinsuranceplans #finalexpenseinsurance Yes, life insurance for senior citizens over 80 does exist. In fact, coverage with no waiting period is still possible even at this age. In this guide, we’ll lay out all your options, low cost companies, quotes, how to qualify and explain the application process. What Options Are There For Life Insurance For Seniors Over 80? Yes you can buy life insurance for seniors over 80. At 80+ whole life insurance is usually the only kind available. Most seniors at this age only need life insurance to cover funeral costs, so you’ll often see policies at this age referred to as burial insurance plans or final expense insurance. Here’s how a whole life…


Is Life Insurance Policy Lapse the end of the story? Maybe not! …

Maybe you’ve heard (or experienced) the tragic story of someone becoming ill, forgetting or being unable to pay their life insurance premium, only to see the policy lapse at the time it is needed most. It’s more common than you may realize, and at our law firm we see it quite often. It is terribly unfortunate. What most people don’t realize, however, is that there is law in California that may come to the rescue. That law is known as the “notice prejudice” rule. The rule emanates from a judicially created doctrine dating back to at least 1963, when the California Supreme Court decided Campbell v. Allstate Ins. Co. (1963) 60 Cal.2d 303, 305. The rule is simple: it prohibits insurers from denying insurance benefits on the ground that the insured presented…


How a lapsed in life insurance policies can hurt you…

Want to void the protection and security you gained when purchasing a life insurance policy? Let it lapse. Simply put, a lapse occurs when premium payments on a life insurance policy are missed and, depending on the type of insurance, the cash value is exhausted. “Lapse” is shorthand for a “lapse in coverage,” which means the policy will no longer pay a death benefit for the insured person. At the other end of the spectrum is a paid-up policy, where all the premium obligations have been met and the policy remains in force for the rest of the insured’s life. We have a 76-year-old example below. Lapse procedures A lapse doesn’t necessarily mean immediate termination of a policy. Life insurance policies often have a grace period after a missed payment…


Why Medication Management Is Essential For Seniors: avoiding medication errors…

You may have become used to seeing multiple bottles of pills or other medications on your aging parent’s cabinet or counter, but polypharmacy — the regular use of five or more medications — can pose a serious health risk to seniors. Each year, about 350,000 people are hospitalized after visits to the emergency room because of adverse, or harmful, drug events, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Medication management is an important preventive measure to avoid potentially serious health hazards in seniors. Older adults often take multiple medications, vitamins, and supplements to treat different symptoms and health conditions, which can increase their risk of medication mix-ups. In some cases, these simple mistakes can become dangerous and even fatal. Other factors that increase the risk of health…

?Free family funeral planning guide orange in color black and blue writing

How to Plan a Funeral Service for Your Departed Loved One

Having a memorial for a loved one after their passing is an important part of the grieving process. It’s a time to honor them, share memories with family and friends, and say goodbye. Some families find that there’s no better place to hold this personal event than at home, but knowing exactly where to start the planning process — especially amid the grief of a loss — can feel overwhelming. This guide will help you plan a beautiful, meaningful home memorial service for a recently departed loved one. Proceed with patience and plenty of support. With a little time and the right planning, you can hold a service that will allow your family to come together and say goodbye. Choosing a kind of service: Memorials vs. Funerals The services and…


Indiana “The Talk of a Lifetime”

Indiana "The Talk of a Lifetime"is Taking Funeral Planning to the Next Level... For the founders of The Talk of a Lifetime (TTL), it was becoming more and more evident that people were just not that into funerals anymore. The TTL council wanted to tap into this growing demographic  – the “I don’t want anyone to make a fuss when I die” group of people, who obviously could not see the value in memorialization. So, they did some serious market research. They assembled focus groups made up of people who said they did not want to be memorialized after death. The research behind why people don’t value memorialization They started by asking these people to produce images they associated with funeral homes. Time and time again, the respondents showed the…